AgriLife Information Technology

LinkedIn Learning

Texas A&M AgriLife has acquired LinkedIn Learning accounts for all AgriLife Employees.

About LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is a subsidiary of LinkedIn. It offers a wide variety of training courses in business, technology, and creative fields.

LinkedIn Learning & AgriLife

You must activate your AgriLife LinkedIn Learning before you can access courses.

Click here to activate your AgriLife LinkedIn Learning account

LinkedIn Learning Features

Check out just a few of the innovative features you can access with your AgriLife LinkedIn Learning account:

16,000+ courses

  • taught by LinkedIn vetted-instructors, with real-world experience in their fields
  • 50+ new courses added weekly
  • Always up to date content


  • Earn certificates for completing courses
  • certificates can be posted to your LinkedIn profile, or shared in a number of ways

Personalized Suggestions

  • Receive course recommendations that have been tailored to your interests
  • Course content is based on the continually changing demand from over 675 million LinkedIn members

Superior Course Quality

  • Course production quality is unmatched
  • Includes “best-in-class” video, audio and graphics
  • Courses include quizzes and downloadable project files to help you learn

Learn where & when you can

  • View your courses on all of your devices, so you can learn no matter where you are
  • App available for iOS and Android
  • Available in your browser for Windows and macOS

LinkedIn Learning Login

You must activate your AgriLife LinkedIn Learning before you can access courses.

Click here to activate your AgriLife LinkedIn Learning account

Click on the login method below for specific log in instructions:

From your Office 365 Portal

Step 1

Log in to your Office 365 Portal by clicking here or on the Office icon

Step 2

Click on All Apps in the bottom left corner of your screen

Step 3

Click on LinkedIn Learning

location in your list of apps will depend on how many apps you have connected

From your web browser

Step 1

Go to

Log in with your AgriLife email address as

Step 2

Select the Texas A&M University System- AgriLife option

You may be directed to an AgriLife Sign-in page after this

Step 3

You may be redirected to an AgriLife Sign In page. If you are, enter your for the username and your current AgNet password

From the LinkedIn Learning App on your Mobile Device (Phone or Tablet)

Step 1

Tap on Sign In

Step 2

Enter your email as

Step 3

Select Texas A&M University System- AgriLife

Step 4

You may be redirected to an AgriLife Sign In page. If you are, enter your for the username and your current AgNet password