TeamViewer enables our AIT team members to connect directly to your computer. By connecting using our secure system, we can solve your computer issues quickly and efficiently.
TeamViewer Installers
Click here to download TeamViewer
Setup Instructions
Google Chrome for Windows
- Click on the icon above to download
- Double click on TeamViewerQS when it appears at the bottom of your screen
- Provide the ID number next to Your ID and the Password if one is showing
- tell your IT technician if there is not a password displayed or you see **** next to Password
Google Chrome for macOS
- Click on the icon above to download
- Double click on TeamViewerQS when it appears at the bottom of your screen
- Provide the ID number next to Your ID and the Password if one is showing
- tell your IT technician if there is not a password displayed or you see **** next to Password
Microsoft Edge for Windows
- Click on the icon above to download
- Double click or click Open File on TeamViewerQS when it appears at the bottom of your screen
- Provide the ID number next to Your ID and the Password if one is showing
- tell your IT technician if there is not a password displayed or you see **** next to Password
Mozilla Firefox for Windows
- Right-Click on icon above and choose “Save Link/Target As”
- Save to your Desktop
- Locate the TeamViewerQS.exe file and double-click
- Provide the ID number to your FirstCall support technician when Teamviewer has started
Mozilla Firefox for macOS
- CTRL+Click (or Right-Click) on the icon above and choose “Save Link/Target As..”
- Save to your Desktop and double-click on the TeamViewer QS ZIP file
- Locate the TeamViewer QS icon and double-click
- Provide the ID number to your FirstCall support technician when TeamViewer has started
Internet Explorer for Windows
- Click on the icon above to download
- Select “Run” when prompted on your system
- Provide the ID number to your FirstCall support technician when Teamviewer has started
Safari for macOS
- Click on the icon above to download
- Double-click the TeamViewer QS file in Downloads folder
- Provide the ID number to your FirstCall support technician when TeamViewer has started
Locate your TeamViewer ID & Password
Use these directions to locate your TeamViewer ID and password:
Step 1
Click on the TeamViewer app in your taskbar/ system tray

Step 2
Note the section that shows “Your ID” and “Password”
Provide these 2 items when you submit a FirstCall ticket or when a member of AIT requests it.

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