AgriLife Information Technology

AgriLife Computer Inventory Dashboard

What is the AgriLife Computer Inventory Dashboard?

In partnership with the AgriLife Administrative Services Property Office, AgriLife IT has developed an interactive computer inventory dashboard to provide departments the ability to review their current inventory for planning and inventory review assistance.

The dashboard data is sourced from the FAMIS inventory database and has been merged with near real-time data from AgriLife IT’s workstation management software.

How can this dashboard help me?

This dashboard has been designed to help you in a number of ways. For example, it can help you with the following upcoming tasks:

  1. Streamline your annual inventory review process by showing you who the last person logged in was

Help you plan to replace your devices that are not Windows 11 compatible, by telling you what devices are not compatible

In October 2025, Windows 10 will no longer be supported by Microsoft. Systems using Windows 10 at that time will not be allowed on the TAMU campus networks, or AgriLife Center networks. Units should use the information in this dashboard to begin fiscal planning over the next 2 fiscal years to replace those systems that are indicated as “not likely” or “No TPM Detected” in the Windows 11 Compatible column. 

  1. Help you plan what systems in your unit need to be replaced based on their warranty status

The systems listed on this dashboard for your department are those that are currently listed in the FAMIS system.
If you see systems that should be or no longer should be on the report, please contact the AgriLife Administrative Services Property & Fleet Management Office at 979.314.0951.

How do I use it?


  1. Click here to view this dashboard. 
  2. Log in using your AgriLife AgNet ID and password as shown below:

Sort and Filter Data

We designed this dashboard in a way so that every component of this dashboard is fully interactive. Clicking anywhere on a chart or graph on the dashboard will filter the list of devices in the table to show only those that match the criteria clicked on in the chart or graph.

Clicking anywhere on a chart or graph on the dashboard will filter the list of devices in the table to show only those that match the criteria clicked on in the chart or graph.

The Device Purchase Date Range selector will allow you to filter in on certain years to view systems purchased in the specified time frame.

Device Purchase Date Range can be used to filter the data to devices purchased within a specified set of years.

All charts can be expanded by clicking on the Focus Mode icon in the upper right-hand corner of any chart or table view.

Focus Mode allows you to expand an object in the dashboard to fill your screen.

The detailed information table also allows you to use multiple filters, by using the filter function icon.

You can filter and/ or sort the data by:

  • Acquisition date
  • Asset description
  • Asset inventory number
  • Computer name
  • Login name of last user
  • Cost
  • Warranty days remaining
  • Warranty dates
  • Windows 11 compatibility status

Export Your Data

The detailed information table contents can be exported in a variety of formats by clicking on the ellipses (…) in the upper right corner of the information table view.

Windows 11 Compatibility

Each device that we have enough information on is labeled as Likely or Not Likely in the Windows 11 Compatible column.

Likely means based on the information we have for the device, the age, and current hardware will support Windows 11

Not Likely means that based on the information we have for the device, including the device’s age and current hardware, it will not support Windows 11. These devices will need to be replaced by October 2025.

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Updated on December 12, 2022